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Voodoo Rush

As for Voodoo Rush, its main difference from Voodoo Graphics was that the developers tried to combine it with 2D video cards, at the same time it partially lost some features, and was not as popular as its older brother

This allowed to produce combined 3D/2D video cards based on Voodoo Rush. Voodoo Rush chipset, as well as Voodoo Graphics, consists of two chips: PCfx and Texelfx. PCfx chip has an interface allowing to use it together with 2D chips of other manufacturers. Joint work with Voodoo Rush is provided in AT3D and AT25 chips of Alliance Semiconductor and ProVidia 9685 of Trident. Due to hardware features of the new chipset it became impossible to execute some 3D functions simultaneously and therefore Voodoo Rush loses in performance to Voodoo Graphics, sometimes by 1,5 times. Video cards on Voodoo Rush chipset have 6 MB of video memory - 2 MB of frame buffer and 4 MB of texture buffer (very rare are cards with 4 MB of frame buffer). Supported resolutions are the same as Voodoo Graphics. Voodoo Rush was much less popular than Voodoo Graphics and video cards based on this chipset were not widely distributed. There are only drivers for Voodoo Rush Windows 9x. Supported interfaces: Glide and OpenGL via miniport. For more information on the miniport, see the Voodoo Graphics section.


Characteristics of Voodoo Rush

Core clock: 50 MHz
Memory frequency (DDR): 50 MHz
Technology: 0.50 µm
Million transistors: 2x1
Memory type: EDO DRAM 2x64 bit
Memory capacity: 4-6 MB
Bandwidth (Gb/s): 0.8
Pixel pipelines: 1
TMU per conveyor: 1
Textures per beat: 1
Throughput: 1 million polygons/s
Polygon filling speed: 45 million pixels/s
API: DirectX 5.0 / Glide / OpenGL
Z-Buffer: 16-bit integer
Maximum resolution: 640x480 (Z-Buffer) / 800x600 (without Z-Buffer)
Rendering: 16-bit
Interface: PCI
Multitexturing: not supported
Bilinear filtering: not supported
Border smoothing: supported
BumpMapping: not supported
Environment Mapping: not supported
Large textures: not supported
Template support: not supported
Placing textures in video memory: supported
Placing textures in RAM: not supported
DVD decoder: not supported