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Resident Evil 5 test GPU

res_evil_5 Professional soldier Chris Redfield, well known to players from previous Resident Evil installments, does not give up hope of erasing from the face of the earth all traces of the activities of an organization that has been developing biological weapons for several decades.



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Batman: Arkham Asylum Test GPU

BmGame_2009-11-24_19-28-03-13 Arkham. A place where peals of inhuman, heartbreaking laughter roll through the dark, terrifying corridors. Threats, curses and evil giggles accompany guards and doctors during their rounds/Despair is an inescapable companion for everyone who is unlucky enough to find themselves within these terrible walls..
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Torchlight test GPU


Torchlight is another variation on the Diablo theme. You choose one of three characters and go into the dungeon to meet numerous monsters and bosses. The interface is simple and clear.

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