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Prison Break: The Conspiracy test GPU

prisonbreak_2 A game based on the popular television series "Prison Break". The main character is not Michael Scofield, but Company agent Tom Paxton, who is sent to Fox River prison to find out why a successful engineer with no criminal record becomes a bank robber.


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Assassin's Creed II Test GPU

AssassinsCreed_II Assassin's Creed 2 is a sequel to the successful action game about an assassin. This time the action takes place in Italy, 1476. As a nobleman from Florence, you will be asked to complete various tasks. The main character can now swim. In the arsenal you can find: an axe, a hammer, a mace, spears, 2 different swords, a halberd and 2 small blades.

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Just Cause 2 Demo test GPU

JustCause2 The reckless and desperate lone hero has returned to once again shake the rotten, corrupt regime! After a brilliant job of establishing “democratic” order, the real macho Rico Rodriguez decided to have a blast. Tequila, beaches, beauties in bikinis - what else does a tired but satisfied hero need?



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Metro 2033 Direct X 11 test GPU

metro_2033 In 2013, the world was destroyed by a global catastrophe, wiping out the Earth's population and turning its surface into a poisoned wasteland. A handful of survivors found refuge in the depths of the Moscow metro, and human civilization once again plunged into the Dark Ages.


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RUSE Beta test GPU

RUSE The single-player campaign of RUSE will offer you to take part in the most prominent battles of the Second World War and take the side of one of six nations, divided into “Allies” and “Axis Powers”. Each has its own unique units and features.


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Battlefield: Bad Company 2 test GPU

Battlefield_Bad_Company_2 Preserving all the best traditions of the series, Battlefield: Bad Company 2 offers fans of the game a lot of new interesting features. You will have to fight in a variety of conditions: in snowy forests and impenetrable jungles, in hot deserts and inaccessible mountains, which requires the use of appropriate tactics.


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