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Radeon X850 XT


X850XT (R480 - optimized crystal X800XT (R423). There is no need to talk in detail about the technological innovations of the X850: these processors could do the same thing that their predecessors could do.


Characteristics of ATI Radeon X850 XT


Name Radeon X850 XT
Core R480 / R481
Process technology (µm) 0.13 (low-k)
Transistors (millions) 160
Core frequency 520
Memory operating frequency (DDR) 540 (1080)
Bus and memory type GDDR3 256 Bit
Bandwidth (Gb/s) 34,5
Pixel pipelines 16
TMU on conveyor 1
Textures per beat 16
Textures per pass 16
Vertex conveyors 6
Pixel Shaders 2.0b
Vertex Shaders 2.0b
Fill Rate (Mpix/s) 8320
Fill Rate (Mtex/s) 8320
DirectX 9.0b
Anti-Aliasing (Max) MS-6x
Anisotropic Filtering (Max) 16x
Memory Capacity 256
Interface PCI-E/AGP
RAMDAC 2 x 400cm

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