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High-performance gaming at 1080p with the Radeon RX 580 8GB graphics card

The AMD Radeon RX 580 8GB continues to provide enthusiasts and gamers with excellent value for money. The line of graphics cards from our partner manufacturers and components allows you to enjoy incredible gaming experience at 1080p resolution in the latest esports disciplines and AAE games. At the same time, the graphics cards have an exceptional advantage in price-performance ratio compared to competitive offerings. And unique technologies offer stunning visual quality and immersive gaming capabilities.

Today, retailers around the world offer video cards of this series at an attractive price (including limited promotions). In Russia, the Radeon RX 580 8GB can be purchased at a price of 13 rubles.

As part of AMD's Xbox Game Pass, purchasers of the Radeon RX 500 series graphics cards will receive three months of access to not only Gears 5, but also over 100 other premium games.

Combined with Radeon FreeSync, the world's most popular adaptive sync technology, gamers will enjoy smooth, stutter-free gaming experiences. Thanks to AMD's zero-day graphics drivers, Radeon RX 500 series graphics card owners will experience peak performance in the latest games.

Radeon Software's ever-expanding feature set delivers an immersive, responsive gaming experience. Successful gamers know that every click counts, and one missed frame can mean the difference between virtual life and death. With the new Radeon Anti-Lag feature, input lag when limited by the GPU is reduced by 31%. This gives gamers an impressive competitive advantage at an excellent frame rate per dollar.

AMD recently introduced the powerful Radeon Image Sharpening (RIS) feature for the Radeon RX 570, RX 580, and RX 590 graphics cards. With the latest Radeon Software Adrenalin Edition driver, gamers will be able to enjoy the same ultra-sharp images that the Radeon RX 5700 series graphics cards deliver in AAA titles, indie titles, and esports titles.

RIS is an intelligent adaptive sharpness correction algorithm with adaptive contrast control that provides high-definition image clarity and detail. At the same time, it practically does not reduce gaming performance. Combined with upscaling, Radeon Image Sharpening delivers high-quality images and smooth gameplay on very high-resolution displays.

In addition, Radeon Software provides free technologies such as Radeon Chill (with 2,5x improved power savings), as well as Radeon ReLive and AMD Link, compatible with Android TV.