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Transcend is holding a photo competition on the theme "Summer Dream"

Transcend Information Inc., a global leader in multimedia and storage products, is hosting a photo contest with the theme “Summer Dream”, which will consist of two stages: “Landscape Photography” and “Creative Photography”. Post your photos on Transcend's pages Facebook и VK, and get a chance to win valuable prizes from Transcend.



  • Stage 1 “Landscape Photography” – from September 16 to September 29, 2019 (winners announced on October 4, 2019)
  • Stage 2 “Creative Photography” – from October 11 to October 27, 2019 (winners announced on October 31, 2019)

Prize money:

  • 1 th stage:

-External shockproof hard drive StoreJet 25M3S 1TB capacity

-Memory cards microSDX C300S 64 GB capacity 

  • 2 th stage:

-External SSD ESD350C 480 GB capacity

-Memory cards microSDX C300S 64 GB capacity 

Detailed terms and conditions are listed on the page: http://www.transcend-info.com/Goto/4358