Intel Unveils Modular PC With Detachable AI Core Concept At CES 2025
At CES 2025, Intel showed off its vision for modular devices by unveiling a concept PC with Detachable AI Core. This system is an evolution of the Intel Compute Card idea, but in a new, larger format. The module, which Intel showed at the exhibition, contains all the main components of a computer, such as a processor, memory and storage, leaving the peripherals and screen pluggable.
At the Intel booth, journalists spotted a modular laptop with a motorized hinge that can open and close the lid on command. The device also offers support eye tracking technologies, allowing you to control windows on the screen with just eye movements. Other innovations include a ring manipulator instead of a traditional mouse and a built-in Qi-pad for wireless charging right under the palms.
The key element of the system is a module called Detachable AI Core, which can be connected not only to a laptop, but also to other devices, including the concept of a portable PC. This solution allows you to update the computer by simply replacing the module with a new one, which simplifies the upgrade process.
The system was developed by Quanta, a company known as an ODM (original equipment manufacturer) that does custom work for brands like Apple and others. Quanta called the modular concept AI8A, however, its final meaning remains unknown.
Despite the interest in the project, Intel has made it clear that this is a technology demonstration and not a finished product. However, the concept of modularity could play an important role in the future of computing, and Framework or Dell are already making moves in that direction.