The events of the innovative “smart shooter” take place in Rapture, an underwater city of the future, where the people who discovered the miracle substance allegedly settled in the late 1940s. Taking even small doses of it, the average person went through a series of rapid mutations and literally became faster, stronger, smarter before our eyes...
STÁ.LKER: Shadow of Chernobyl is a first-person shooter computer game developed by the Ukrainian company GSC Game World and published on March 20, 2007 in the USA, Canada and March 23, 2007 in Europe and the CIS. The game genre is defined by the manufacturer as “Survival FPS” with RPG elements...
Gothic 3 is the third CRPG from the cult “Gothic” series from German developers Piranha Bytes, was released on October 13, 2006. To this day, Gothic 3 can outshine any modern open-world game in terms of its scale, which, in turn, still seems incredibly alive and realistic...
Medieval II: Total War is a 2006 computer game created by Creative Assembly, a sequel to the 2002 game Medieval: Total War, and the fourth game in the Total War series. In the game, as in the entire series, global turn-based strategy is combined with tactical battles in real time.
Gold. Precious yellow metal caresses your fingers, casts sparkling reflections and calls. There are those who believe that gold is almost happiness. Happiness, for which many are ready to go, including a young fugitive accused of murder, and an old bounty hunter who fervently believes that God himself made him an instrument of his divine wrath...
A world where with every step you will subtly change, gradually turning into a valiant warrior fighting evil... or into a decrepit magician with dark thoughts. This whole world is just a series of tests, thanks to which everyone around will be able to see your true nature. Be a hero. Be a traitor. Be yourself.
Well, we’ve reached Serious Sam 2, which at one time sank into the hearts of many users not only for its excellent graphics, but also for the incredible dynamics of what was happening. The visual component in Serious Sam 2 is made in a cartoon style, which caused a lot of criticism from critics, but this makes the game more attractive and driving.
Doom 3 is a science fiction first-person shooter video game developed by id Software and published by Activision in 2004. The game takes place in the year 2145 at the United Aerospace Corporation research center located on the planet Mars, and is a remake of the first Doom game, but with new graphics and a game engine.
You are Jack Carver, the owner of a small charter company that rents boats in the tropical state of Micronesia. With your dark past behind you and your future promising only pleasures, you are tasked with escorting a young, ambitious journalist, Valerie Constantine, to Kabatu Island...
Half-Life 2 at one time created an incredible sensation - unique game mechanics, a high level of artificial intelligence, fairly sane physics and graphics with support for the latest version of DirectX 9 at that time. All this made the game unique and for many years it was imprinted in the hearts of fans of the series .