Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered on PC received update 1.1: improvements and fixes
An update was released today 1.1 for Game Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered on PC. Commands Nixxes and Guerrilla continue to improve the gaming experience by fixing bugs and adding optimizations that the community has been asking for. This update includes important adjustments that make the gameplay more stable and enjoyable for players.
Main changes in patch include:
- Audio in pre-rendered videos now matches the volume of the gameplay.
- Improvements have been made regarding Steam Inputto make working with controllers more convenient.
- Fixed a bug that could cause the game to cause a crash when setting up the keyboard and mouse for some players.
- Fixed a bug that could cause items to disappear or flicker shadows in the Meridian location when using ultra-wide resolutions.
- Markers on HUD are now displayed correctly when changing the viewing angle (Field of View).
- Fixed a bug that caused onion could be seen "floating" in one of the cut scenes.
- The developers also made some changes various interface improvements, raised performance и game stability.
It is worth noting that the team is aware of the issues with controllers when using Steam Input and is working on a final solution. At the moment, the developers recommend temporarily disable steam input when using supported controllers for improved stability.
Nixxes and Guerrilla teams are closely monitoring community reports and plan to release new patches that will fix any remaining bugs and add additional improvements. Player support remains a priority for the developers, and they strive to make the game as high-quality as possible.