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Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024: Rating Improves to 30%, But Problems Remain

Release Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 from Asobo Studio is accompanied by mixed reviews from players. After numerous complaints about slow loading and the developers have increased the long wait in queues server bandwidthThey stressed that the situation had begun to improve, but problems still remained.


"This is not the launch we wanted for our players, and we apologize to the community. We are working around the clock to fix the bugs," the studio said.

Meanwhile, the game rating on Steam began to grow gradually. Now it is 30,53% Positive Feedback, which is noticeably better than the initial "extremely negative". However, this figure is still not high enough for the audience to fully trust it.

A comparison with Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 confirms the decline in interest. At the peak of the release in 2024, the game had 24,8 thousand players at the same time, which is almost 2,5 times less than the 2020 figure of 61,8 thousand.

Players note improvements in the graphics and physics of the simulator, but criticize the stability of the servers. Despite the problems, interest in the project remains: currently, there are more than 5 thousand players online.