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Demonstration of the beauties of the planet Inok in the shooter Outriders


People Can Fly has prepared a video for the PAX East exhibition demonstrating the beauties of the Inok world, in which players of the cooperative shooter Outriders will fight. The trailer demonstrates the beauty of the environment, which includes a variety of biomes that users will visit in the future. At the same time, players will find completely different zones from each other - gloomy forests, deserts, snowy expanses, rocky mountains, abandoned settlements, anomalous areas and much more.


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Gameplay video of the shooter Valorant


Riot Games, the creators of League of Legends, have published a gameplay trailer for the 5-on-5 tactical shooter Valorant. This is a shareware game-service, earnings are planned only on cosmetic items. The graphical style is reminiscent of Overwatch and Team Fortress at the same time. Simple graphics will provide a better visual understanding of the situation. There will be 8 heroes available at the start. Each has its own appearance and four skills. One skill is available for free, the other two can be purchased at the beginning of the battle, the fourth is a special ability that can be obtained after a certain number of kills or collecting power spheres on the map. The release of the project is scheduled for summer 2020.


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Grounded survival gameplay demo

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At PAX East 2020, Obsidian Entertainment presented a demo of the first gameplay of the online survival game Grounded. The game tells the story of a group of children who suddenly find themselves shrunk tenfold. In this state, they ended up in the backyard of their own house, where they now have to survive, fighting off ants and spiders. According to information from the developers, we will begin the adventure in the character's garden and then go to other places. Plants and fungi serve as a constantly renewable source of useful materials. The game supports cross-play with other platforms.


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Baldur's Gate III cinematic opening sequence

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Larian Studios presented an introductory video to the party role-playing game Baldur's Gate III during PAX East 2020. The focus is on a surprise attack by illithids, mind flayers who attack cities and towns to kidnap people. The main character and his potential companions are among the kidnapped people who have had their larvae implanted in their heads by the illithids. The heroes will have to find a way to get rid of them before the cerebromorphing is completed. At the start, 9 races, 6 classes (fighter, ranger, robber, wizard, cleric, sorcerer), 5 companions are available. A character can be created or selected from a pool of ready-made heroes. In battles, players can not only attack opponents, but also interact with the environment - throw enemies into abysses, blow them up using “red barrels” and do much more. 


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Demonstration of the gameplay of the action movie Ghostrunner

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Publishing house All in! Games brought a demo of the cyberpunk action movie Ghostrunner to PAX East 2020. The same level that previously appeared in gameplay videos was selected for display. The main feature of Ghostrunner is death on the first hit, any missed hit. Moreover, this applies both to opponents and to the hero himself. Therefore, to get to the end of the level, you will have to use all the possibilities of evasion, as well as slowing down time.


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Predator: Hunting Grounds will be tested at the end of March


Sony Interactive Entertainment has announced plans to release a free trial version of the asymmetric online shooter Predator: Hunting Grounds. Access to the game will open on March 27th for all Epic Games Store users and PlayStation 4 owners with an active PS Plus subscription. In the free version, as in the full version, gamers will be able to take on the role of a predator or become one of the three fighters in the squad. Testing will end on March 29th. The project is expected to be released on April 24th.


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4K at 60fps in the new Doom Eternal demo

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A demonstration of one of the additional Slayer Gate tests of the shooter Doom Eternal has appeared online. To access such a test, you need to find a special key, which is usually located near the gate. Slayer Gate features challenging combat in a spacious arena. For victory, you are given a bonus, which is spent on improving weapons. Doom Eternal will be released on PC, PS4 and Xbox One on March 20.


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Diabloid Magic: Legends gameplay demo


Cryptic Studios has published a demo of the gameplay of the shareware diabloid Magic: Legends. In the video, the developers show the clearing of locations from various monsters and the outstanding abilities of the heroes. Magic: Legends will be released this year on PC, PS4 and Xbox One.


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Chivalry 2 gameplay demo


Torn Banner Studios has unveiled the pre-play of the multiplayer first-person slasher game, inspired by the epic medieval battles of Chivalry 2. Players will experience all the iconic battles of this era, including crushing cavalry charges, showers of flaming arrows, large-scale castle sieges and much more. Chivalry 2 should be released before the end of the year on PC exclusively in the Epic Games store, PS4 and Xbox One.


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Story trailer for horror tactics Othercide

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Focus Home Interactive and Lightbulb Crew studio have published a new trailer for the horror tactics Othercide. Players will find themselves in a fantasy world in which an army of Daughters fights against terrible creatures, and will experience tactical missions with turn-based combat in the style of XCOM. The Daughters have different specializations - melee, ranged, tank. The game implements a permanent death mechanic, and the main characters are not resurrected after death.


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