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Red Faction: Guerrilla Test GPU




developer: Volition
Publisher in Russia: Akella

System requirements for maximum visual quality recommended by the game websiteGPU:

The minimum

Operating system: Windows XP SP3, Vista®, Windows 7
Processor: Core 2 Duo 2.33 GHz
RAM: 2 GB 
Video card: DirectX®9 compatible video adapter with 256 MB RAM Radeon HD 4650 or GeForce 9600 GSO
8.4 GB free space


Operating system: Windows XP SP3, Vista®, Windows 7
Processor: Core 2 Duo 3.2 GHz
Video card: DirectX®9 compatible video adapter with 512 MB RAM Radeon HD 4850 or GeForce GTX 8800
8.4 GB free space


Operating system: Windows XP SP3, Vista®, Windows 7
Processor: Core 2 Quad 3.0 GHz
RAM: 2 GB 
Video card: DirectX®9 compatible video adapter with 1024 MB RAM Radeon HD 4890 or GeForce GTX 260
8.4 GB free space

Official description of the game

By 2125, Mars has been fully developed and adapted to life, while on Earth the reserves of fossil resources are coming to an end. Earthly corporations place Martian colonists in inhuman living and working conditions; the Earth Defense Forces (EDF) instead of allies become punishers and police. Mass arrests and brutal suppression of protests lead to the rebirth of the Red Brigade. The old motto has not been forgotten - “Better red than dead!”







• Strategic destruction. Any man-made object on the Martian surface can be blown up or damaged partially or completely. Improvise on the fly - you can blow up a wall when the chase has driven you into a corner, set off a chain series of explosions to weaken enemy defenses, destroy a flight of stairs to direct your pursuers into an ambush.
• Interactive gaming environment - liberate territories controlled by the POP, and you will have assistants and allies from the local population. If you harm the colonists, the reaction will be exactly the opposite.
• Various multiplayer modes - online play in a completely destructible world guarantees a completely unique experience.
• Stunning special effects: the destruction of reinforced concrete structures of titanic proportions has never looked so spectacular! Where else can you arrange your own apocalypse once every quarter of an hour, or even more often?

Review: Playability

At the very beginning of the game, we are shown a story where we, as an engineer, find ourselves as a colonist on Mars (on which, by the way, a breathable atmosphere came from somewhere) and we begin our difficult everyday life as a colonist..... In the very first mission we have to work a little with a hammer, destroying a couple of buildings, thereby assessing the physical model of the game.



At first it seems a little banal and simple, but later it brings some pleasure - to destroy everything around into pieces. The developers approached the topic of destruction so passionately that it became not so much a sign of the reality of the world around us, but rather the opposite - unreality, the world became like a house of cards that can be destroyed with one swing of a hammer........

rfg_2009-11-29_12-04-38-97The game has a large open world through which you can travel, but this will not bring much pleasure, since the Martian surface does not shine with a large variety of the surrounding world, which is somewhat dissipated by the settlements of the colonists. The essence of the game is to liberate the red planet from the dictatorship of monopolists - the game map is divided into areas in which it is necessary to establish “the power of the councils” one by one; by the way, we play for our native “red” partisans, only Martian ones. At first the game seems a little boring, but later it gets a little addictive with its “destructive” missions.

Review: Game Graphics

The game graphics, of course, are not surprising, but deserve respect: a fairly well rendered Martian landscape, good detail in textures and models, and a realistic-looking atmosphere of the “red” planet.


Of course, special attention should be paid to the physical model of the game; we have already pointed out that the destructibility in the game turned out to be excessive, even too much. But this is not a minus, even a plus, giving the game its own unique charm.

Review: Resource-intensive game

And finally we come to the most important aspect of the game for us - its performance. It's no joke, but this game does not support NVIDIA PhysX proprietary technology, and having its own graphics engine, it manages to run even top-end cards. The processor for the game does not matter as much as the video card; if you have a good video card, a processor of the Core 2 Duo 2.6 Ghz level will be enough for a comfortable game.




    All video cards were tested at maximum graphics quality. Since Radeon video cards do not support X16 anti-aliasing, for general tests we adopted X8 anti-aliasing and X16 quality anisotropic filtering. We tested video cards from the lower price range at a resolution of 1024x768, we tested video cards from the mid-price range at a resolution of 1280x1024, and video cards from the upper price range were tested at a resolution of 1680x1050.

    Testing at maximum Low End quality settings at 1024x768 resolution


    The lower range is completely out.....

    Testing at maximum quality settings Midle End at 1280x1024 resolution


    The middle class, with the exception of five video cards, is practically the same. Frames leave much to be desired.

    Testing at maximum High End quality settings at 1680x1050 resolution


    Even in the top echelon, the younger models in this category from the Radeon brand give in to their Californian competitors. In general, it is clear that Nvidia video cards are more preferable for this game.

    Conclusion: Red Faction: Guerrilla has an unconventional approach to the gameplay, which many gamers will appreciate. But the project is very hard on video cards - resource intensity GPU makes up 78%...
