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Left 4 Dead 2 test GPU


Year: 2009
Genre: Action (Shooter) / 3D / 1st Person
Developer: Valve Software
Publisher: Valve Software
Publishing house in Russia: Akella
Platform: PC


System requirements for maximum visual quality recommended by the game websiteGPU:

The minimum

Operating system: Windows XP SP3, Vista®, Windows 7
Processor: Core 2 Duo 1.83 GHz
RAM: 1.5 GB 
Video card: DirectX®9 compatible video adapter with 256 MB RAM Radeon HD 4550 or GeForce GT 9500
5 GB free space


Operating system: Windows XP SP3, Vista®, Windows 7
Processor: Core 2 Duo 2.13 GHz
Video card: DirectX®9 compatible video adapter with 512 MB RAM Radeon HD 2900 Pro or GS GeForce 8800
5 GB free space


Operating system: Windows XP SP3, Vista®, Windows 7
Processor: Core 2 Duo 2.66 GHz
RAM: 2 GB 
Video card: DirectX®9 compatible video adapter with 512 MB RAM Radeon HD 4850 or GeForce GTS 250
5 GB free space


Official description of the game

The long-awaited continuation of the award-winning cooperative shooter "Left 4 Dead", recognized by many publications as the best game of 2008 in its genre. This time, you and your friends will have to make your way through the cities, swamps and cemeteries of the American South - from the port of Savannah to New Orleans - during 5 extensive campaigns. You play as one of four surviving heroes who have a wide range of all possible weapons, both classic models and advanced modifications.


In addition to firearms, you will have the opportunity to deal with the undead in your own way, like a man, by picking up a chainsaw, axes, or a deadly, terrifying crushing... frying pan! Yes, now the dead finally have something to fear! From now on, decaying flesh will also know fear!


• The next generation of cooperative action games from the creators of Half-Life, Portal, Team Fortress and Counter-Strike.
• More than 20 new types of weapons and items, including more than 10 types of melee weapons - axe, chainsaw, frying pan, baseball bat - it's finally time to get to know the zombies better!
• New survivors. New story. New dialogues.
• Five extensive campaigns across three game modes: Co-op, Versus and Survival.

Review: Playability

If you played last year's project from Valve Software, then you can already have an idea about the released project without any twinges of conscience. The developers did not invent anything radically new, but only made minor changes to the gameplay: they added some meat grinding features and new game locations.


The game could turn out to be a masterpiece project, but there is one thing... Overall, Left 4 Dead 2 looks very much like an extensive game addon. We would really like to see a radically changed game design and storyline in the game. That's right - why reinvent the wheel if the goose lays golden eggs...


Overall, the project is worthy and will be widely used among avid gamers, fans of multiplayer mode and fans of online battles.

Review: Game Graphics

And again we repeat: you won’t see anything radically new in the game either. Of course, we will not insist that the developers have not changed anything, but visually the project is practically no different from its predecessor.


Although the graphics of the surrounding world look good, you can feel the woodenness of the surrounding scenery. The characters look good, but their actions, and especially their movement, clearly reveal the puppetry of the game models. We hope that in the third episode of Half Life 2 the developers will slightly improve the game graphics to a higher quality level.

Review: Resource-intensive game

Fans of exterminating the undead will need a dual-core Core 2 Duo 2.13 GHz processor and 2 gigabytes of RAM to play comfortably..


All video cards were tested at maximum graphics quality. Since Radeon video cards do not support X16 anti-aliasing, for general tests we adopted X8 anti-aliasing and X16 quality anisotropic filtering. We tested video cards from the lower price range at a resolution of 1024x768, we tested video cards from the mid-price range at a resolution of 1280x1024, and video cards from the upper price range were tested at a resolution of 1680x1050.

Testing at maximum Low End quality settings at 1024x768 resolution


Testing at maximum quality settings Midle End at 1280x1024 resolution


Testing at maximum High End quality settings at 1680x1050 resolution


Radeon video cards have pulled ahead this time, although not by much. As always, the favor of the Valve Software engine to video cards from the Canadian company is obvious. But despite this, it will be possible to comfortably play Left 4 Dead 2 on almost all of our tested video cards from different price ranges. Only video cards below the 8600 GT level are not able to transmit an acceptable number of frames.

Conclusion: Left 4 Dead 2 will be a very pleasant gift for fans - the project came out of very good quality, but we expected more.

