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 Video BIOS update utility from NVIDIA. Suitable for most video cards using a reference PCB design, and for some brand-name video cards. The DOS version only works from “pure” DOS, in the absence of extended memory managers such as HIMEM/EMM386/QEMM.


This is the official program from Nvidia for flashing BIOS of video cards. Works under DOS environment.
Create a boot floppy disk with DOS or CD-RW with a DOS image, write the program and the new BIOS there.
Once booted into the command line, type:
nvflash <BIOS file name>
And follow the instructions that appear.

To be more convincing and to avoid unnecessary questions, I type:
nvflash -4 -5 -6 <BIOS file name>

What to do if the video card does not boot after flashing?
1. Don't panic. The problem is easily solved.
2. There are two options: insert a second video card, for example, PCI, and after booting from it, flash the non-working video card with the old biosome pre-recorded to disk. Or work “blindly”. Often the system boots, and if after loading the operating system you write in the blind:
nvflash -4 -5 -6 <old BIOS file name>
and press "Enter" you will return everything to normal without any problems.

For flashing BIOS, there are programs for Windows'a. They come with Leadtek video cards, for example. But working through them is more dangerous and, of course, more convenient.

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