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Space Marine 2: Hotfix 3.1 - Fixed Crashes, Static, and Linux Support

Development team Space Marine 2 released a new one Hotfix 3.1, which solves a number of technical issues and improves the stability of the game. Among the key fixes is the elimination of several glitches, as well as improvements in the work on Linux и Steam deck.


Here is a list of changes that were included in this hotfix:

  • Fixed multiple failures, which caused the game to crash.
  • Fixed issues with heavy static freezes on some processors.
  • Problems with launching the game on have been resolved Linux и Steam deck.
  • Fixed bugs with dynamic resolution i podderjkoy ultra-wide screens.
  • Improved performance of upscalers that previously used incorrect resolution settings.

This hotfix aims to improve the overall gaming experience and stability. The developers continue to work on optimizing the game and thank the community for their support.