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US Justice Department Plans Radical Measures Against Google: The Company May Be Broken Up


The US Department of Justice has officially confirmed that it is considering dividing Google into several independent businesses. This decision was prompted by the recognition of Google as a monopolist in the digital services market. The department's report offers several options for influencing the company, including the forced sale of key Google divisions such as Chrome, Android, and Google Play.

The ministry is also considering the idea of ​​restricting Google's use of these products to strengthen its market dominance. Another measure involves handing over search data to competitors to balance competition in the market. The Justice Ministry stresses the need for fairer conditions for all market participants.

Google, in turn, said such actions “go beyond the legal framework” and threaten the future of products such as Chrome and Android. The company also expressed concerns that sharing data with competitors could affect user privacy, and that restrictions on the use of artificial intelligence would slow innovation.

The debate over a possible Google split is becoming increasingly heated, and how it will end remains unclear.